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beyond corporate purpose

iSphere Cloud news

Why move to the public or private cloud during COVID‑19?

This time of uncertainty because of the COVID-19 pandemic is possibly the best time to re-evaluate if you should keep your critical servers on-premise, or move to the public or private cloud.‍

June 22, 2020

The benefits of choosing a Cloud Service Provider who understands your needs

With cloud infrastructure, the need for specialist skills in-house is moved to the cloud service provider, with a shared pool of skilled resources across the cloud solution. This reduces the risk of the client having to take care of overheads, such a Disaster Recovery or High Availability.

June 22, 2020

The cloud rush and the new normal during COVID‑19

It is fair to say that there was a huge interest from most organizations in looking to move certain workloads to the cloud. The main drive for this was the potential cost saving (Total Cost of Ownership) advantage companies could derive from the cloud. Now fast forward a few months and in the post COVID-19 era this is even more apt conversation.

June 22, 2020